3) Prepositional Case

  1. Nouns in Prepositional Case (Singular and Plural)
  2. Adjectives in Prepositional Case (Singular and Plural)
  3. Pronounses in Prepositional Case
  4. Usage of the Prepositional Case
    In almost every sentence there is an active subject and a passive object.
    The subject can consist of a noun and a related adjective. The noun answers questions such as Кто? Что? (Who? What?).
    An adjective that describes the subject and agrees with the noun answers the question Какой (какая, какое, какие)? (Which?).
    The subject is always in the Nominative Case. A passive object is always in the Accusative Case. An object can also be comprised of a noun and an adjective.
    In this case, the noun answers the question Кого? Что?. An adjective which describes the object answers the question Какой (какую, какое, каких)? for inanimate objects.


  • Before starting this course you must complete the required prerequisite course: 2) Nominative case